We like to train genuine people, with kind hearts and a desire to help others, person-to-person, in workshops or online. We have spent, and continue to spend a lot of time developing our knowledge and skills, and sharing them wholly with our students, both in our courses themselves and in ongoing support for those courses.  If you just want to anonymously collect (or barter and sell) online courses, please go elsewhere.
But if you desire to learn and practice Dr. Morris’s Methods for yourself and humanity, please introduce yourself and let us know who you are, and your passions, through our admissions process:

Orient yourself with the descriptions, FAQs, and free videos and articles on our sites.

Review the Student-Teacher Agreement.  Next, choose an introductory course and locate the email address of the instructor teaching it — either on the course page or on their bio page — and then send them your application:

The Application:
1. Send an email to the course instructor stating your intent and interest in their course, and quoting and affirming the Student-Teacher Agreement
2. Email the course instructor your responses to the Applicant Questionnaire. If you are uncomfortable answering a particular question, please let the instructor know your reasons.
3. Schedule and do one or more live two-way video interview with your instructor
4. Have three or more friends, family, or co-workers email the instructor their answers to the following reference questions.

If accepted as a student by the instructor:
Proceed to register, either using course buttons, or by requesting an electronically payable invoice or subscription link from the instructor. Request any applicable discounts (charity donation discount, service discount, holiday discount, bundled discount, etc), scholarships, or extended payment plans, when requesting the invoice. Provide a receipt image for any charity donation in order receive the charity donation discount where applicable (donate US $100 to applicable charities, email your receipt, and receive a US $200 discount on applicable courses).

*Financial assistance is available, and should be requested, if required, in your email of intent, and revisited in your interview.

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