Using diet to address existing imbalances that can distort into “kundalini syndrome” when kundalini is active

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By Tao Semko

Existing tendencies and imbalances of the cellular metabolism, digestive tract, nervous system (central, peripheral, sympathetic, parasympathetic), endocrine (hormone) system, and more, can be amplified by the awakening of kundalini.

Dr. Morris’s Improved Kundalini Awakening Process has a host of built-in practices designed to both constantly re-balance the body-personality, and foster the arousal and re-integration process that is kundalini’s natural, healthy journey through the body.

But what if you have a spontaneous kundalini rising, and you haven’t yet registered to learn Dr. Morris’s proven safe, rapid, effective methods?

We hope this series of articles and videos are of some help…

Three basic patterns of kundalini syndrome exist, which may be experienced separately or together…

1) Increased local or overall body heat or heat in the head, sometimes accompanied by pressure or pain in the head
2) Increased nervous energy – fear, jumpiness, anxiety, paranoia, lack of centeredness or grounding, attention deficit, lack of stability in thinking, twitchiness, etc…
3) Increased heavy emotions and feelings of physical inertia

In addition to seeing your physician when you experience any rapid change in the above,
you may want to research traditional constitutional eating following Chinese or Ayurvedic models…

Body heat and irritability can be decreased or increased by adding or removing certain foods and preparation methods from the diet..

Nervousness, jumpiness, excessive stimulation, and insomnia can also be radically affected by what and when you eat, and how you prepare and eat it…

And the heavier emotions, increased phlegm and body weight, and inertia in trying to be active can also be modified in this manner…

In doing so, it’s useful to look at

1) ones own innate constitutional tendencies
2) dietary, sleep, thought, and activity habits that distort those tendencies
3) foods, exercises, and more, that can bring 1) and 2) back into balance

If heat is a problem:

Celery juice, watermelon juice, non-sulfited coconut water, and lemongrass tea, are all great for reducing excessive metabolic heat and irritability…

So is eliminating frying as a cooking method, and replacing it with steaming or sauteing…

If stimulation, anxiety, paranoia, and nervousness are issues, maintaining balanced blood sugar and insulin levels, eliminating or reducing stimulants, and taking all foods and beverages warm or hot, rather than cold, are extremely helpful…

That means eating protein and healthy fats before any high-glycemic-index carbohydrates first thing in the morning, eliminating any high glycemic index fruits, starches, grains, root vegetables, etc, and eating more balanced, higher fiber carbohydrates, always taken together with good protein and healthy saturated fats…

In the case of heavy emotions, or excess mucous in the throat, lungs, stomach, or intestines, constant blood sugar/insulin balance is also necessary, taking only warm or hot food/beverage, along with eliminating foods that create metabolic stasis – including food preservatives, colors, emulsifiers, dough conditioners, etc., not eating solid food in the late evening (light soup or a protein shake is more helpful here) and chewing more times to increase salivary digestion of carbohydrates, and eating lots of non-mucous-producing green vegetables, and astringent or spicy foods, can be useful depending on the individual…

Note that a food or supplement may be “healthy” (healthful) and still not be a good match for your current body balance…
Two examples, drawn at random, follow:

Blue-green algae, long a staple of health food stores, can be very helpful for reducing nervousness and anxiety, but also increases metabolic body heat and (in some folks) reactive irritation and impatience… so it may not be as useful to someone who overheats and gets emotionally “hot-headed”…

In moderation, coupled with the right foods, for the right constitution, bananas are a wonderful nutrient-dense fruit… full of potassium and vital minerals…

That said, bananas are also high glycemic index (very sweet and prone to causing insulin swings in your blood stream), thus not good for folks feeling anxious or depressed when taken alone and in quantity. Taking bananas together with protein, fat, and cinnamon will help to modulate that blood sugar swing…

Meanwhile, other compounds in bananas also increase metabolic heat, irritability, and surface inflammation (rosacea and sunburn can both made worse by eating too many bannanas) in people with existing predisposition to such experiences… Coconut water might be a better choice for potassium in such individuals, as it is cooling… Pure coconut water without Sulfite preservatives, that is – as sulfites increase hotheadedness and irritability – so check on breakfast meats, deli meats and provisions, and wine as well, if heat and temper are issues for you… un-sulfited, un-nitrated products are available if you look for them…

THE OVERALL BALANCE that you achieve through your daily eating, sleeping, thought, activity, and recuperative habits is what is important both in balancing your body and mind, and in facilitating kundalini while eliminating kundalini syndrome…

A quick look at your constitution, from the Ayurvedic perspective:

And a PDF chart of foods to avoid or utilize, based on those tendencies:

From the Chinese Medical Perspective:
A fairly exhaustive chart of foods and their effects on body heat, hydration, mucous production, organ strength, and more, may be found here: